instancefrom this builder, with iteration of strings as comma-separated values (CSV).CsvTokenizer
.' '
only if the field is not quoted.CsvTokenizer
encounters an end-of-file while parsing a quoted field.EndOfFileInQuotedFieldException
with its default message.CsvTokenizer
encounters an unexpected character after parsing a quoted field.InvalidCharacterAfterQuoteException
with its default message.CsvTokenizer
encounters an invalid format.InvalidCsvFormatException
with the specified detail message.CsvTokenizer
encounters an invalid format while parsing a quoted field.InvalidCsvQuotationException
with the specified detail message.nullString
considered, and moves the tokenizing cursor forward.CsvTokenizer
encounters a quoted field which is too long.QuotedFieldLengthLimitExceededException
with its default message.CsvTokenizer
is not able to find an expected column (i.e.RecordDoesNotHaveExpectedColumnException
with its default message.CsvTokenizer
encounters an unexpected extra trailing column (i.e.RecordHasUnexpectedTrailingColumnException
with its default message.null