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acceptStrayQuotesAssumingNoDelimitersInFields() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Sets to accept "stray quotes" under a special assumption that no delimiter character is included in fields.


build(Iterator<String>) - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Builds a CsvTokenizer instancefrom this builder, with iteration of strings as comma-separated values (CSV).
builder(String) - Static method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Creates a builder instance for CsvTokenizer.


CsvTokenizer - Class in org.embulk.util.csv
Tokenizes iteration of strings as comma-separated values (CSV) into columns in rows.
CsvTokenizer.Builder - Class in org.embulk.util.csv
A builder of CsvTokenizer.


enableTrimIfNotQuoted() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Enables trimming a space character ' ' only if the field is not quoted.
EndOfFileInQuotedFieldException - Exception in org.embulk.util.csv
Thrown when CsvTokenizer encounters an end-of-file while parsing a quoted field.
EndOfFileInQuotedFieldException() - Constructor for exception org.embulk.util.csv.EndOfFileInQuotedFieldException
Constructs an EndOfFileInQuotedFieldException with its default message.


getCurrentLineNumber() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Returns the line number where the tokenizer is currently on tokenizing.


hasNextColumn() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Checks if the line has a remaining column to read.


InvalidCharacterAfterQuoteException - Exception in org.embulk.util.csv
Thrown when CsvTokenizer encounters an unexpected character after parsing a quoted field.
InvalidCharacterAfterQuoteException(char, char) - Constructor for exception org.embulk.util.csv.InvalidCharacterAfterQuoteException
Constructs an InvalidCharacterAfterQuoteException with its default message.
InvalidCsvFormatException - Exception in org.embulk.util.csv
Thrown when CsvTokenizer encounters an invalid format.
InvalidCsvFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception org.embulk.util.csv.InvalidCsvFormatException
Constructs an InvalidCsvFormatException with the specified detail message.
InvalidCsvQuotationException - Exception in org.embulk.util.csv
Thrown when CsvTokenizer encounters an invalid format while parsing a quoted field.
InvalidCsvQuotationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.embulk.util.csv.InvalidCsvQuotationException
Constructs an InvalidCsvQuotationException with the specified detail message.


nextColumn() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Reads the next column tokenized, and moves the tokenizing cursor forward.
nextColumnOrNull() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Reads the next column tokenized, with nullString considered, and moves the tokenizing cursor forward.
nextRecord() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Moves the tokenizing cursor forward to the next record, with skipping empty lines.
nextRecord(boolean) - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Moves the tokenizing cursor forward to the next record.
noEscape() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Disables escaping.
noQuote() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Disables quoting.


org.embulk.util.csv - package org.embulk.util.csv


QuotedFieldLengthLimitExceededException - Exception in org.embulk.util.csv
Thrown when CsvTokenizer encounters a quoted field which is too long.
QuotedFieldLengthLimitExceededException(long) - Constructor for exception org.embulk.util.csv.QuotedFieldLengthLimitExceededException
Constructs a QuotedFieldLengthLimitExceededException with its default message.


RecordDoesNotHaveExpectedColumnException - Exception in org.embulk.util.csv
Thrown when CsvTokenizer is not able to find an expected column (i.e.
RecordDoesNotHaveExpectedColumnException() - Constructor for exception org.embulk.util.csv.RecordDoesNotHaveExpectedColumnException
Constructs a RecordDoesNotHaveExpectedColumnException with its default message.
RecordHasUnexpectedTrailingColumnException - Exception in org.embulk.util.csv
Thrown when CsvTokenizer encounters an unexpected extra trailing column (i.e.
RecordHasUnexpectedTrailingColumnException() - Constructor for exception org.embulk.util.csv.RecordHasUnexpectedTrailingColumnException
Constructs a RecordHasUnexpectedTrailingColumnException with its default message.


setCommentLineMarker(String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Sets a marker string to indicate that a line is commented-out.
setEscape(char) - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Enables escaping, and sets a character for escaping.
setMaxQuotedFieldLength(long) - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Sets the maximum length of quoted fields.
setNewline(String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Sets a string to take place in a column value string tokenized from a quoted field containing an end-of-line.
setNullString(String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Sets a special string in the CSV that is considered as null.
setQuote(char) - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer.Builder
Enables quoting, and sets a character for quoting.
skipCurrentLine() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Skips a line, where the tokenizer is currently on tokenizing at.
skipHeaderLine() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Skips a line considered as a "header line", where the tokenizer is currently on tokenizing at.


wasQuotedColumn() - Method in class org.embulk.util.csv.CsvTokenizer
Checks if the last column was a quoted column.
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