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addDirectMemberName(String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.CapturingPointers.Builder
Adds a direct member name as a pointer to capture.
addJsonPointer(String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.CapturingPointers.Builder
Adds a JSON Pointer to capture.
addJsonPointer(JsonPointer) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.CapturingPointers.Builder
Adds a JSON Pointer to capture.


build() - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.CapturingPointers.Builder
Builds "capturing pointers".
build(String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser.Builder
Builds JsonValueParser for the stringified JSON.
build(InputStream) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser.Builder
Builds JsonValueParser for the stringified JSON.
builder() - Static method in class org.embulk.util.json.CapturingPointers
Returns a new builder for CapturingPointers.
builder() - Static method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser
Returns a new builder.
builder(JsonFactory) - Static method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser
Returns a new builder with the specified JsonFactory.


captureJsonValues(CapturingPointers) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser
Captures JsonValues from the parser with the specified capturing pointers.
CapturingPointers - Class in org.embulk.util.json
Represents "capturing pointers" to capture JSON values from JsonParser.
CapturingPointers.Builder - Class in org.embulk.util.json
close() - Method in interface org.embulk.util.json.JsonParser.Stream
Closes the stream.
close() - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser
Closes the parser.


enableSupplementalLiteralsWithNumbers() - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser.Builder
Enables creating JsonDouble and JsonLong instances with supplemental literal strings.


fallbackForUnparsableNumbers(double, long) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser.Builder
Enables falling back to default numbers for unparsable numbers.


JsonParseException - Exception in org.embulk.util.json
Represents an Exception in parsing a stringified JSON.
JsonParseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.embulk.util.json.JsonParseException
Constructs a new JsonParseException with the specified detail message.
JsonParseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.embulk.util.json.JsonParseException
Constructs a new JsonParseException with the specified detail message and cause.
JsonParser - Class in org.embulk.util.json
Parsing for MessagePack Value is deprecated. Use JsonValueParser for JsonValue instead.
JsonParser() - Constructor for class org.embulk.util.json.JsonParser
Creates a JsonParser instance.
JsonParser.Stream - Interface in org.embulk.util.json
A parsed stream of MessagePack Values.
JsonValueParser - Class in org.embulk.util.json
Parses a stringified JSON to Embulk's JsonValue.
JsonValueParser.Builder - Class in org.embulk.util.json


next() - Method in interface org.embulk.util.json.JsonParser.Stream
Gets the next MessagePack Value.


open(InputStream) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonParser
Parses the stringified JSON InputStream to JsonParser.Stream.
openWithOffsetInJsonPointer(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonParser
Parses the stringified JSON InputStream with the specified offset to JsonParser.Stream.
org.embulk.util.json - package org.embulk.util.json


parse(String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonParser
Parses the stringified JSON String to Value.
parseWithOffsetInJsonPointer(String, String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonParser
Parses the stringified JSON String with the specified offset to Value.


readJsonValue() - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser
Reads a JsonValue from the parser.
root(JsonPointer) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser.Builder
Sets the JSON Pointer to the "root" element to parse.
root(String) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser.Builder
Sets the JSON Pointer to the "root" element to parse.


setDepthToFlattenJsonArrays(int) - Method in class org.embulk.util.json.JsonValueParser.Builder
Sets the depth to flatten JSON Arrays to parse.
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