Creating plugins

Creating a new plugin is 4 steps:

  1. Create a new project using a template generator
  2. Build the project (Java only)
  3. Confirm it works
  4. Modify the code as you need

This article describes how to create a plugin step by step.

Step 1: Creating a new project

Embulk comes with a number of templates that generates a new project so that you can start development instantly. Because the generated project contains completely working code without additional code, you can focus on the necessary coding.

Usage of the generator is where <type> is one of the plugin templates:

$ embulk new <type> <name>

Here is the list of available templates. Please find the best option:

Type description example
java-input Java record input plugin mysql
java-output Java record output plugin mysql
java-filter Java record filter plugin add-hostname
java-file-input Java file input plugin ftp
java-file-output Java file output plugin ftp
java-parser Java file parser plugin csv
java-formatter Java file formatter plugin csv
java-decoder Java file decoder plugin gzip
java-encoder Java file encoder plugin gzip
ruby-input Ruby record input plugin mysql
ruby-output Ruby record output plugin mysql
ruby-filter Ruby record filter plugin add-hostname
ruby-parser Ruby file parser plugin csv
ruby-formatter Ruby file formatter plugin csv

For example, if you want to parse a new file format using Java, type this command:

$ embulk new java-parser myformat

This will create a Java-based parser plugin called myformat in embulk-parser-myformat directory.

Step 2: Building the project

If the plugin is Java-based, you need to build the project. To build, type this command:

$ cd embulk-parser-myformat
$ ./gradlew package

Now, the plugin is ready to use.

Step 3: Confirm it works

The next step is to actually use the plugin.

Let’s suppose you have a configuration file named your-config.yml. You can use the plugin using embulk with -L argument:

$ embulk run -L ./embulk-parser-myformat/ your-config.yml

Step 4: Modifying the code

The final step is to modify code as you want!

The code is located at

There are a lot of good code examples on Github. Search repositories by embulk-<type> keyword.

Releasing plugins

You can release publicly so that all people can use your awesome plugins.

Checking plugin description

To prepare the plugin ready to release, you need to include some additional information. The plugin information is written in this file:

You will find following section in the file. do |spec|
    # ...

    spec.authors       = ["Your Name"]
    spec.summary       = %[Myformat parser plugin for Embulk]
    spec.description   = %[Parses Myformat files read by other file input plugins.]         = [""]
    spec.licenses      = ["MIT"]
    spec.homepage      = ""

    # ...

The items in above example are important. Please make sure that they are good.

Creating account on

Embulk uses as a package distribution service. Please create an account there to release plugins at Sign Up page.

Don’t forget the password! It will be necessary at the next step.

Releasing the plugin to

Now, you’re ready to release the plugin. To release, type following command:

If everything is good, you can find your plugin at Congratulations!

Installing your plugin

Usage of plugin installer is:

$ embulk gem install embulk-<type>-<name>

<type> is plugin type and <name> is plugin name.

If your plugin is embulk-parser-myformat, then type this command:

$ embulk gem install embulk-parser-myformat

This command installs the plugin to ~/.embulk directory.

To check the list of installed plugins and their versions, use this command:

$ embulk gem list